Oh will the story ever get straightened out? Someone has to be lying. Jesse James, by his own admission on Nightline, not only wrecked his marriage by cheating on Sandra Bullock, now it seems he’s wrecking his family. He implied that his father abused him, which his ex-stepmom refuted. Now his sister, Julie James England, is speaking out and saying the abuse allegations are completely true, that dad Larry James did abuse Jesse, and that ex-stepmom Janina James Coan wasn’t married to Larry at the time of the alleged abuse. Of course, Michelle ‘Bombshell’ McGee had to add her two cents, analyzing Jesse’s Nightline interview and saying that he avoided the real dirt.
Stop. My head is spinning. I’m not surprised that yet another stepmom claims her husband (or former husband, in this case) “would never do that” or some such because it justifies their decision to have married that person. No one wants to the world to think they made a mistake. Either that or Larry James chilled out by the time Janina married him. (Yeah, that does happen; the angriest person can become a paragon of patience) Or she just never saw how he behaved. And Larry, who hasn’t interacted with any of his grandchildren, and who appeared in a video interview explaining his version of how Jesse broke his arm, is hoping for a reconciliation.