Dear Miley,
I came across this photo of you and I must say I am impressed. You see I know what it is like to be young and want to rebel against the system that has made you, but in the long run you have to understand your legacy is being built right now. If you carry yourself around looking like this then you will last much longer in the fame game.
Stop humping poles on top of grocery carts. Nobody wants a sexy Miley Cyrus…yet. First we have to see you can be mature and handle yourself as a woman. Being only 17 you still have a way to go, but gain the public’s respect with outfits like this and the road will be easier.
Or just keep on wearing jean shorts that could go for panties, dating guys that are underwear models, having an overly possessive dad, teaching your little sister how to tramp dance and trying recreate the lives of Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears in one shot.
Mr. Almost Wrong