For starters, Bruce Jenner admitted stealing some of Kim Kardashian‘s wardrobe, so how does she feel about all this drama?
“The greatest thing I’ve ever done is raise my children. It’s my greatest accomplishment. I’ve got to deal with myself. The last thing I want to do is hurt any one of you…You can never do this right. There’s no right way to do this,” he says while letting it all out in front of his family during a two-part special.
Kim comforts everyone, relating, “I think Bruce is afraid to let us down. We want to understand his struggle. We want to learn about it, relate to it in some way.I think what hurts us when we hear something is changing and happening and we don’t know about it.”
“There’s times when I get angry, resentful. There are times I get angry for my mom.”
Hope all of this goes well. We support you, Bruce!
All about Kim!