Some people just don’t get the opportunities that they deserve and Jordana is one of them. I know I preach and moan about how all the beauties deserve more chances, but I almost feel as though they are an endangered species that needs my help. Remember her in Fast and the Furious? I know you do because she was the whole movie. You wanted to watch her race cars and defeat the dragon. Unfortunately, the dragon part never came about, but that is fine because maybe it will happen in the 10th movie.
Until then I want to see her as a guest star on Scrubs for some reason. I love that show, don’t you? You probably do and don’t even realize it yet. Trust me though, the show is hype. Remember when people would say hype all the time? If you don’t then you are too young to be reading this site.
The words I use are hype and the women I enjoy the pleasures of bedding are rad.
Peace out you slick cats. Enjoy this blessed weekend.