I don’t like to stoop down to the level of other celeb gossip sites by posting nude or erotic photos of celebs. However, can you really call these pics of Lady Gaga erotic? I mean she probably sits like this all the time. She has actually set herself up really well for 2010 because if you think about it is there anything that could happen to her next year that would surprise you?
Another reason why she is the Weird of 2009 is because she has the angle disorder. You don’t know what the angle disorder is? Well let me take the time to explain. You know certain women look good when you glance at them and yet when you see them again they just aren’t looking as good? Lady Gaga has that disorder unfortunately more and more she is starting to go towards the bad looking side.
I mean she really is…damn I forgot what I was going to say because I was looking at her pictures. I’m perplexed by her. Oh I know, she is really starting to feed into her own “I’m totally psycho and I can dress however I want” vibe that she throws around, but I mean there has to be a limit.
Congrats Lady Gaga, you have baffled me throughout the year while I jam out to your tunes. I look forward to more baffling by you in 2010.