A bad hair day is a major emergency issue for most women and all are quick to hide a bed head, a bad cut and some serious hair color catastrophe. Being a celebrity can either let you get away with a few forgiving paparazzi shots and if you’re hair is anything close to Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj, you either own it or just get used to the site of gaping mouths.
Lady Gaga has totally engraved her name on the frames of any wacky hair photo roll over the years of her singing career. Bordering a fine line between avante garde and just plain and simple cuckoo, this singer has had some pretty ….errr, mouth dropping and head shaking hair scares. We’re guessing her hair stylist had a lot do with it. Then again, Gaga’s hairstylist – Michael Pooter has since been in hiding after revealing a few things about the singer that may not be surprising in relation to her outlandish hairstyles. Oh yes, devil worshipping is to blame!
So do we have another illuminate devil worshipper under the guise of Nicki Minaj? The singer definitely has face-off potential with Lady Gaga’s hair and monstrosities , with not much to talk about her singing either. What then could be her excuse? Either she worships the same devil or both have been abducted by aliens prior to their careers. Who knows. As it is, Gaga’s stylist has sought protection for fear of his children being eaten after threats from Lady Gaga herself!
Photo Credit: photobasement.com
Photo Credit: allwomenstalk.com
Photo Credit: celebritygossip4.com
Photo Credit: wzip88.com